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Are You Suffering From Snoring or Sleep Apnea?

Obstructive sleep apnea has been known to be a silent killer because most people are not even aware they are suffering from the disorder.  With a simple sleep study and the help from your doctor and dentist, we may be able to help you with an oral sleep device. 

What is obstructive sleep apnea (OSA)?

For some people, when they fall asleep, the tongue and soft tissues obstruct air from entering their lungs.  If the amount of oxygen in your blood drops too low because of this, your brain sends a message to your body to unblock the airway.  Your body's reaction is to tighten your throat muscles with a loud gasp or snort, which means you partially awake.  This can occur between 5 to 30 times each hour, and often the person suffering from the disorder is unaware they are awake so many times during the night.

Signs and Symptoms of OSA:

How Can Lee Dental Help You?

After a sleep study is completed and it is determined an oral sleep appliance is right for you, we will take impressions of your teeth. From your impressions an oral sleep appliance is made custom fit to you. 

The oral sleep appliance holds your jaw in a slightly forward position.  In this position your throat tissues are moved away from the back of the throat opening your airway and allowing oxygen/air to pass through.

Schedule A Consult

Contact our office at (972) 712-9000 or book online to schedule your consult for an oral sleep appliance.  We are here to discuss your options and help improve your life.  


Sources:,, Prosomnus Sleep Technologies

Lee Dental

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