Myofunctional Therapy

Lee Dental -  - Dentist

Lee Dental

Dentists located in Frisco, TX

Better habits mean better breathing...and better breathing means a healthier life. The tongue is one of the most critical organs in our bodies with the ability to regulate and shape orofacial structure and musculature. 

Mouth Breathing

Chronic Mouth Breathing may contribute to...

  • Poorly humidified air into lungs
  • Upper chest breathing (inefficient & tiring)
  • Chronic over breathing
  • Greater incidence of snoring & sleep apnea
  • Bad breath, dental decay, gum disease
  • Dysfunction of the TMJ
  • Narrowing of dental arch, jaw & palate
  • Crowded/crooked teeth
  • Open bite, malocclusion
  • Greater risk of orthodontic relapse
  • Noisy eating, speech & swallowing problems
  • Enlarged tonsils and adenoids

Did you know?

Snoring is not a normal behavior. Healthy nighttime sleep breathing consists of quiet nasal breathing with the lips closed and the tongue resting all the way up at the roof of the mouth.

We Can Help

Myofunctional Therapy identifies and corrects abnormal oral habits by practicing exercises to retrain the orofacial complex to function properly while breathing, chewing, swallowing & at rest


Tongue Tie

Tongue Tie Restrictions can lead to...

  • Postural maladaptation
  • Mouth breathing
  • Low resting tongue posture
  • Swallow dysfunction/tongue thrust
  • Sleep issues
  • Neck & Shoulder tension
  • Headaches
  • Clenching & grinding
  • Reflux, heartburn, digestion issues
  • Breastfeeding issues
  • Difficulty with speech
  • Development of high, narrow palate
  • Airway restrictions
  • Picky/messy eating

Did You Know?

When breathing is difficutt or the tongue tie is restricted, other muscles can struggle to compensate which can cause tension to develop that can lead to back and neck pain, unhealthy posture and chronic pain.

We Can Help

Myofunctional Therapy identifies and corrects abnormal oral habits by practicing exercises to retrain the orofacial complex to function properly while breathing, chewing, swallowing & at rest. Tongue tie release may be indicated for optimal airway results.


Myofunctional Therapy

Our Program

Myofunctional Therapy identifies and corrects abnormal oral habits by practicing exercises to retrain the orofacial complex to function properly while breathing, chewing, swallowing & at rest.

Tongue tie release may be indicated during therapy for optimal airway results. This will be discussed during consultation.

12 Session program
Bi-weekly therapy sessions
At-Home practice

Did You Know?

Numerous studies have demonstrated orofacial myofunctional therapy effectiveness including a study done by Hahn & Hahn (1992), which revealed that treatment for myofunctional disarders can be 80%-90% effective in correcting swallowing and rest posture function and that these corrections are retained years after completing therapy.

Goals of Therapy

1. Nasal Breathing

2. Lip Seal

3. Correct Swallowing

4. Correct Tongue posture