Am I a Candidate for Veneers?

Am I a Candidate for Veneers?

It’s hard to underestimate the power of a great smile. It’s your calling card to the world and often the first thing people notice about you. However, few of us have all the attributes needed for our own version of the Hollywood smile. 

For most, a few minor issues often add up, so addressing each issue may not be practical. That is, of course, there’s a single treatment that can correct a range of problems. The team at Lee Dental in Frisco, Texas, often recommends porcelain dental veneers for their patients who want a smile upgrade. Here’s what you need to know about the capabilities of veneers and whether you’re a good candidate for the procedure. 

What are veneers?

When you think of veneers in other contexts, you may know that it refers to a thin material covering a surface. That’s precisely how dental veneers work. Veneers are most often made from porcelain, a ceramic material that closely resembles the appearance of tooth enamel. 

Your veneers are tailored to perfectly overlay your natural teeth and they’re designed to correct the specific elements of your smile that you want to improve. You can choose a single veneer that matches adjacent teeth or a set that completely revises visible tooth surfaces. 

What dental issues can veneers correct? 

Perhaps the most famous use of veneers provides glowing whiteness to your smile. You’re no longer limited by the natural appearance of your teeth which may be darker due to aging, food stains, or other reasons. That’s just the beginning when it comes to the smile improvements offered by veneers. 

Tooth damage

Minor damage like chips or fine cracks may affect the appearance of your teeth. When a natural tooth is still structurally sound in spite of these concerns, a dental veneer can not only improve the tooth’s appearance, the cementing process and additional layer of porcelain protects and strengthens the damaged tooth. 


Not all tooth gaps produce a cute and quirky smile. Often, they become collecting points for food debris with the potential for the development of tooth decay. Veneers can close up these gaps, relieving the potential for decay while improving your smile. 

Shape and alignment

Veneers can also lengthen short teeth or otherwise make small changes to tooth shape. They can also alter minor alignment issues, preventing the need for orthodontic work. 

Am I a candidate for veneers? 

While veneers are a powerful and versatile dental appliance, they’re not for everyone. First of all, most veneers are permanent, requiring the removal of natural tooth enamel to make room for the layer of porcelain. A veneer candidate must therefore commit to a lifetime of veneers, which have an expected life of 10 to 15 years under normal use. 

Your gums and teeth must be healthy. The presence of gingivitis and other dental issues will delay the veneer process, as these problems must be treated first. Veneers require the same support with daily home care and bi-annual dental exams, so veneers aren’t recommended for those with poor oral care histories. 

There are limits to the cosmetic improvements that veneers provide, such as major gaps and misalignments. The best way to see if veneers are the answer for you is with a visit to Lee Dental in Frisco, Texas. You can call our office or book an appointment online to consult with our dentists. Veneers are an option for most patients, so set up your visit with Lee Dental today.

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